Ovulation Induction

Ovulation induction usually produces pregnancy rates of 10% to 20% per cycle, depending on a woman's age, diagnosis, and duration of infertility. Among women with certain ovulatory disorders, ovulation induction treatment may even restore normal fertility rates of 20% to 25% per month. If you do not become pregnant within the first three treatment cycles we will discuss other treatment options with you.

Ovulation Induction

What is ovulation induction?

A normal menstrual cycle usually produces one mature follicle that results in the ovulation of a single oocyte or egg. Ovulation Induction is a procedure that uses medication to increase the number of eggs ovulated per cycle which may improve the chances of pregnancy. Every patient taking these medications will be monitored closely (during the clinic's cycle monitoring hours) over a 2 - 3 week period of time, via ultrasound and blood tests, to determine their response to the treatment. Based on the results of the patient's ultrasound and blood work, the doctor will adjust the dose of the medication as necessary and inform the patient as to the optimal time for intercourse or intrauterine insemination.

Good candidates for ovulation induction

  • Ovulation problems that have not responded to simpler medications (such as clomiphene tablets).
  • Unexplained infertility and wish to try ovulation induction therapy in order to increase the number of eggs produced in each cycle – thus increasing the chance of conception.

What to expect

Your treatment usually starts on day three or four of your menstrual cycle and lasts approximately eight to ten days. A nurse will teach you and your partner how to give the injections at home. You will likely have two to four clinic appointments for blood tests and/or vaginal ultrasounds to monitor your response and adjust your medication dose. Your appointments will be scheduled between 7:30 am and 9:00 am, and will become more frequent toward the time of ovulation. Although each woman is different, this is an example of a treatment cycle schedule: When the blood tests and ultrasounds indicate one to four mature follicles, one of our doctors will prescribe a second medication (hCG) to trigger ovulation. You will usually ovulate 36 to 48 hours after this final injection. Approximately 24 to 36 hours after the hCG injection, you will have an intrauterine insemination (IUI). This is accomplished by inserting a specially prepared sample of your partner's sperm through the cervix and placing it near the top of your uterus where it has the best chance of fertilising an egg. The procedure takes only a few minutes and should be relatively painless.

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